Another delightful (read: COLD) Manitoban winter has begun and I feel like its time to start back into my blog. Its a little hard to stay motivated when the wind is howling and the temperature is dropping, so I'm hoping writing more will help keep me going. A lot has changed since my last post, so this entry will be just getting up to speed.
A Fresh Start
I am now based completely at my new farm just outside of the town of M. My other farm, closer to the big city and the larger horse community of Manitoba is up for sale, and has been for a while. It sits empty, as we moved all my horses to the new farm in July. I no longer make the weekly hour and forty five minute drive back and forth from one place to the other, which I am sure you can imagine, thrills me to no end! Although I am a little sad to see my old farm empty, I have to say I am so much happier with my new place.
My old farm served its purpose. I built up a business, made friends, but more importantly to me, got to ride and train and develop my training style. The things that do haunt me a bit are the thoughts of what I have left there. Royal is buried there, as is Sonny Boy, Tapper, Quinn and my old dog Harvey. Little Savannah and Avalon, lives taken so young and unexpectedly, ended there as well and I don't want them forgotten. Its hard to leave them there, and I worry they will fade from my memory without the little reminders of them I saw daily. Other memories I am more then happy to be rid off. As anyone who has owned their own farm will tell you, the hardest part of the industry is the people. The horse world is full of interesting people and I saw my fair share of them. The lesson I have learned from the years of dealing with people and their horses is simple: Don't get overly invested in their shit. Sorry! Language, I know right? But honestly, if nothing else I learned that even if you are genuine, trying your best, and being honest with people you can only count on the majority of them if they have something to gain from you. The few who don't fit into that group, those are the ones who are truly your friends. The rest you best keep at arms length and not invest much emotion into. Its why I don't really care what other people are up to with their horses. I'm not into the drama, the petty gossip, or the weird controlling manipulation that goes with it. You do your crap, I'll do mine. Enjoy and God bless! (I am thinking I might expand on my philosphy in a future post. It sounds harsh, but it actually does make sense if hashed out correctly)
So the new farm! Well, I have double the land, all beautiful and hilly overlooking the local lake. My one pasture has a lovely stream that runs beside it and meanders into a pretty grove of trees. I have big grassy pastures (ok, right now they are snowy...) and sandy soil, and room to grow. We built a barn and indoor arena, that still aren't completely done but thanks to my amazing husband J are getting there. I have 7 large box stalls, with 3 more being built in the next month or so. The feed room and tack room have walls, are insulated but are lacking a roof. That is his project for the week! My arena still needs insulation and lights, but the lights are supposed to start (possibly) next week! Also the viewing room will probably be ready for spring. We fenced 4 large pastures and built 2 run in shelters. Next summer we hope to fence the 10 acres in front of our house, and put up a hay shed. I have 11 chickens and 5 guinea fowl (we lost one this fall) and I just love them! My barn cats are here, and my big goofy dog M. So its all moving along nicely.
I'm teaching a good number of lessons weekly. I have one boarder, and might be getting another next week. But boarding will be limited to clients, and very small in number. I have a couple people interested in bringing me horses for training which is lovely! Mostly though, I ride! I focus on my riding and training my horses, expanding and learning every day. But that will be my next post, my winter riding goals and where my horses are at. For now I feel caught up, and that life is good. Perfect? No, don't be silly. But good, challenging, and changing. Which is what I like!
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